Bird's Nest
Bird's Nest: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Nest, Nest of Weaver Bird, Nests of Different Birds, Nests of Sparrow, Nests of Tailor Bird, Nests of Barbet Bird, Raw Materials to Make Nest, Nests of Sunbird, Nests of Dove, Nests of Crow and, Nests of Koel Bird
Important Questions on Bird's Nest

Identify and write the following nest belong to which bird?

Identify and write the following nest belong to which bird?

Name a bird that sews leaves together to make its nest.

If there is a nest inside or around your house, look carefully at it. Remember, do not go too near the nest, and do not touch it. If you do, then the bird will not come to the nest again. Observe the nest for some days and note down the following.
You can see small oval objects insise. Do you think there are any eggs in the nest?

If there is a nest inside or around your house, look carefully at it. Remember, do not go too near the nest, and do not touch it. If you do, then the bird will not come to the nest again. Observe the nest for some days and note down the following.
Is there any bird sitting in the nest?

If there is a nest inside or around your house, look carefully at it. Remember, do not go too near the nest, and do not touch it. If you do, then the bird will not come to the nest again. Observe the nest for some days and note down the following.
What things does the bird bring to the nest?

If there is a nest inside or around your house, look carefully at it. Remember, do not go too near the nest, and do not touch it. If you do, then the bird will not come to the nest again. Observe the nest for some days and note down the following.
The nest is of a small seed-eating bird having conical bill. Can you recognise which bird has made the nest?

If there is a nest inside or around your house, look carefully at it. Remember, do not go too near the nest, and do not touch it. If you do, then the bird will not come to the nest again. Observe the nest for some days and note down the following.
What is the nest made of?

Choose the appropriate word and answer the following question. (Sticks/leaves)
What material is used to build a vulture's nest?

Unscramble the jumbled letters and find the name of the bird.
I use my beak to weave leaves, twigs and grass to make a beautiful nest. EWAERVDRIB

Name the bird that collects a few sticks to make a cup-shaped nest.

List the materials used by birds for building nest.

Do all birds lay eggs in their nest?

Some birds make holes in the tree trunk and live. Name them.

Did you see a tailor bird? How can a tiny bird weave such a big nest, so perfectly?

Which birds do you see in your surroundings?